Monday, June 29, 2020

Point of purchase display slogans for Starbucks for 2029

Cookie-shot your double-up for just $4.99!

Lunch? Have you tried the Starbucks rubbed curly? Three different mouth shouts at participating glass coolers. Don't forget to up your grub with an antibacterial curly rub! Clean with coupon 6!

Barbecue your own coco-listic physical liquid at one of several standing grills in a friendly part of town! S'mores are no problem, basically. Have something with pure corn syrup and bulk up for winter mode! Starbucks!

Everybaby swears for fruit cut into a  shape! For $9.00 you can get that baby feel! Find out for those $9.00!

Cleanliness is a watch for us and so will you with food claimed by doctors! Is a cop? Count on it! Flavor is guaranteed!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Working Cakes

    Not ten feet from a pair of twenty-somethings celebrating their new roommate status over coffee and Danish, and not twelve feet from an elderly man counting out the pills he has to take with every meal, a collection of cakes and pastries fill a small glass tower at the end of the linoleum countertop at the Marzipan Bakery. Arranged according to size and beauty, the cakes are a kickline of chorus girls in canary, sunset, tangerine, violet and robin’s egg blue. Artfully decorated with flowers and in some cases warm sentiments set in careful, sugary calligraphy, the cakes are attractive to all and desired by many, but together they keep between them a secret: each and every one of them is an inedible fake.

    The cakes are Styrofoam forms shaped very much like tiny hat boxes, covered in flavorless wax and poisonous paint. They're a tease of good things to come (through proper arrangement with the management and a cash deposit) and like the cage dancers in the foyer of a Nevada cathouse, they look better and promise much more than the goods in the back room can supply.

    This is a generally recognized agreement.

    The “working cakes” in the back were baked days earlier and owe their moist, fresh texture not to timely preparation or a mother’s love but rather to a cocktail of preserving chemicals and an insulting amount of lard.

    A tall figure stands directly in front of the glass tower, his eyes fixed on a short, wide, tangerine-dressed model wearing a yellow bow adorned with the words “Happy Graduation Day Daughter!” A small white card marked with careful block lettering breathlessly promises that the cake will be "Delicious white cake marbled throughout with mouthwatering raspberry jelly".  The tall man's jaw hangs open and his shoulders slouch to allow him a better view into the case. He squints and he tilts his head to the side, first to the right, then to the left. From deep inside this man comes a low hum of contentment.